Online Lecture Series on "Climate Crisis & Climate Action", May-June 2022

From the 16th of May until the 3rd of June the FORTHEM online lecture series on the climate crisis & climate action took place, which was organised by the students of the Climate & Resources Lab. Altogether 4 lectures were held on the topics of climate basics, climate & nature, climate & society and climate solutions. 11 presenters, including professors from University of Latvia, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, University of Palermo and University of Valencia, took part in the sessions, allowing the listeners to gain insights on their areas of expertise in relation to climate change.

We plan to post the lectures to a Youtube Channel, and will provide a link to that soon!










This lecture series is part of the ideas competition "Utopia Europe". Its aim is to anchor sustainability-related themes structurally in university teaching and to promote exchange at European universities.

Diese Vortragsreihe ist Teil des Ideenwettbewerbs "Utopie Europa". Sie hat zum Ziel, Nachhaltigkeitsthemen strukturell in universitärer Lehre zu  verankern und den Austausch an europäischen Universitäten zu fördern.