The course “Sedimentary Basin Records of Earth’s Climate” is targeted toward advanced Natural Sciences students. It combines offerings from faculty of four FORTHEM partners.
The course focusses on unravelling Earth’s paleoclimates and the effects of climate change on paleoenvironments. It has two parts:
- An online lecture series with accompanying exercises can be accessed now via the FORTHEM Digital Academy E-learning site. The digital materials are available from July - September 2022.
- Examination of a spectacular Jurassic- Cretaceous rock sequence with rich fossil content either in-person during a 5 day Summer School near Valencia, Spain, or as a simultaneous virtual participant in this same class from the comfort of their home/university (or anywhere you would prefer to be). These two groups will both learn how to deal with and interpret various digital data and digitally collaborate in real time. The field class runs from 26-31 August 2022.
Have a glance at what the field course will be like in our Intro-Video
Look at our flyers for further information: For the in-person field class and associated lectures: SedBasPoster-reduced-size-final and for the digital field class and associated lectures: SedBasPoster - online_reduced_size
1.Universities of Mainz and Valencia faculty teach students to interpret past Earth environments and the ages of geological units from sedimentological (deposit physical characteristics, permeability, chemical composition/protolith) and fossil records. They will also teach students to unravel the effects of tectonic deformation to determine original depositional geometries, and understand the relationship of the current to paleo-depositional position of the units on Earth’s surface.

2.University of Palermo faculty teach how calcareous plankton records during the last glacial show the ready response of marine ecosystems to abrupt suborbital climate changes, as an example of the interplay among biological, atmospheric, oceanographic and cryosphere systems.They will also teach about the evolution of the Mediterranean Sea and surrounding land areas during abrupt climate changes of the last glacial and the Holocene, under different oceanographic circulation patterns and atmospheric forcing modes.
3.University of Burgundy faculty teach how an environmental signal (temperature, salinity) is captured by the isotopic composition of different biological archives (corals, foraminifera, bivalves, fish, ...), how to assess the preservation of the original signal, and what are the limits of the methods. They will learn how to interpret isotopic records (mainly oxygen and carbon isotopes) of different fossils, both ectotherms and endotherms, with examples both from marine and continental environments.