Climate & Resources - regular Alliance level catch-up
On the third thursday of every month we meet on Zoom to catch up, talk about recent developments and bring in new ideas. The next meeting date 27.02.2025 at 09:00.
Feel free to join our meetings! No matter which subject you study or whether you are a student or a professor - we are looking forward to meeting you! To join our meetings, just click here.
If you want to join our lab permanently, get all announcements and have access to files, such as agendas & meeting minutes etc., please join our mailing list. The same link has an 'unsubscribe' option.
SUS-waste: Implementing Sustainability in Waste Management
Jyväskylä Summer School event – Collaboration with FORTHEM partners – Explore Circular Economy & Waste Solutions in Finland
Be a part of an immersive summer experience at University of Jyväskylä, Finland, and deepen your knowledge of sustainable waste management!
Are you passionate about sustainability, circular economy, and waste reduction?
SUS-Waste course at the Jyväskylä Summer School offers a unique opportunity to explore waste management strategies through expert-led lectures, and real-world case studies and activities.
What to Expect?
Expert lectures & discussions – Learn from international specialists on topics including sustainable waste management strategies, circular economy principles, resource optimization, environmental legislation & economic solutions, and governance & business models of waste management
Group projects & networking – Collaborate with students from diverse backgrounds and expand your global perspective.
Who Should Apply?
This program is ideal for students in Environmental Science, Engineering, Chemistry, Circular Economy, Social Sciences and Economy who are interested in sustainability and resource management.
Why Join?
Gain international experience at a top recognized university within the FORTHEM framework.
Develop practical skills for sustainability and circular economy challenges
Build a global network of like-minded students and professionals
Earn 3 credits while experiencing the Finnish culture
📅 Dates: 4.-8.8.2025
📍 Location: University of Jyväskylä, Finland
📩 How to Apply: JYU Summer School application form,
Application period ends 30.4.2025.
„Europäische Hochschule: Utopien für eine gemeinsame Zukunft“
Bereits zum fünften Mal organisieren das Hochschulbüro der französischen Botschaft/Institut français Deutschland (IFD) in Berlin und die Deutsch-Französische Hochschule (DFH) einen Debattierwettbewerb für Studierende in ganz Deutschland. Er soll den Studierenden ermöglichen, ihre Visionen und Träume für Europa in konkrete Ideen umzusetzen: eine Utopie für Europa!
Entwickle jetzt ein Projekt und nimm am Wettbewerb teil!
Die Debattenreihe wird in zwei Phasen ablaufen: Eine erste Phase findet in den Hochschulen statt, an dessen Ende die Studierende einen konkreten Vorschlag zum Thema ausarbeiten müssen. Der Ablauf kann unterschiedliche Formen annehmen: einzelne Veranstaltung, Blockseminar, Workshops, öffentlichen Debatten usw.
Die besten Vorschläge werden in einer zweiten Phase im Frühsommer in der französischen Botschaft Berlin im Rahmen des Debattierwettbewerb „Utopie Europa Preis 2024" öffentlich präsentiert und verteidigt.
Studierende aller Fachrichtungen sind eingeladen, teilzunehmen. Schreibt dafür in einer Email an climate-and-resources.forthem(at), dass ihr Interesse daran habt und schaut euch die Beiträge der vorherigen Wettbewerbe an: .
Am 9. Juni 2024 ist es wieder soweit: die Bürger:innen der Europäischen Union wählen ihr Parlament. Damit eng verbunden: die Frage nach Zugehörigkeitsgefühl und Perspektiven für die Entwicklung einer gemeinsamen europäischen Identität. Hochschulen und Mobilität der Studierenden spielen hierbei eine Schlüsselrolle. Dieser Grundgedanke liegt der Initiative für Europa zugrunde, die 2017 der französische Staatspräsident Emmanuel Macron in seiner Rede an der Pariser Sorbonne vorgestellt hat, insbesondere seine Idee der „Europäischen Hochschulen“. Daher möchten wir die Studierenden ins Zentrum unserer Überlegungen stellen und ihnen die Gelegenheit geben, darüber nachzudenken, wie sie als Studierende die Europäischen Hochschulallianzen jetzt und in der Zukunft sehen, welchen Beitrag sie zu eineneue gemeinsame Vision für die europäische Zusammenarbeit leisten können.
Fish Bowl Diskussion über autofreie Innenstädte
Datum: 19.01.2024
Uhrzeit: 19:00
Ort: Alte Mensa - JGU
Meldet euch hier noch schnell dafür an!
Voices for Climate
VOICES FOR CLIMATE ist die Vorlesungsreihe über die Klimakrise an der JGU Mainz. Spannend und interdisziplinär betrachten wir die Klimakrise aus verschiedensten Perspektiven, von den Naturwissenschaften, über die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften bis zu Musik, Theologie und vielen mehr. Das Besondere dabei? Wir schauen nicht nur auf den Status Quo, sondern wir setzen uns auch mit dem jetzt notwendigen Handeln auseinander.
Dabei helfen uns Wissenschaftler:innen unterschiedlichster Fachgebiete, die jeweils eine Sitzung zu einem selbst gewählten Schwerpunkt im Themenfeld Klimakrise, Klimagerechtigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit gestalten. Dieses Mal werden wir an Orte reisen, wo Klimagerechtigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit trotz fehlender nachhaltiger Strukturen bereits gelebt werden.
Die Vorlesungen können live montags im RW1 ab 18:00 oder HIER als Videos oder im Livestream mitverfolgt werden.
Hitze- und Wetterkarten Meteoblue
Diese Website liefert euch weltweite Hitze- und Wetterkarten und vieles mehr. Schaut euch hier an, wie die Mainzer Region aussieht: Meteoblue Mainz
Metz: Klimawandel in der Stadt
haben Sie Interesse Ihre bisherigen Kenntnisse im Themenbereich Klimawandel im Rahmen einer deutsch-französischen Veranstaltung in Metz zu vertiefen bzw. sich darüber grenzüberschreitend auszutauschen?
Auf dieser Veranstaltung vom 2. bis 4. Oktober 2023 werden die Themen Klimawandel in der Stadt, die Stadt am Wasser, internationale Wassersysteme und Wasserwege in einem interdisziplinären Setting diskutiert, das wie folgt geplant ist:
1.Impulsvortrag und anschließende Podiums-Diskussion über das Thema Klimawandel in der Stadt
2.Gestaltung eines begleitenden Seminars mit Studierenden der JGU (6-8) und Studierenden der Universität Lothringen
Alle Beiträge können je in eigener Sprache (deutsch/französisch) gehalten werden, da es Simultanübersetzer:innen geben wird.
Sofern Sie Interesse an der Teilnahme haben, melden Sie sich bitte bis sobald wie möglich bei
GeothermiX Conference
GeothermiX is the first transdisciplinary conference about geothermal energy organized by PhD students. The conference will be from 29 November to the 1st of December 2023 at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Pisa.
The conference is open to everybody who is interested in geothermal research fields, especially to young researchers who want to expand their network in this area.
The main topics will regard the way it can be studied, starting from the heat source, its origin, the reservoir and the water source involved. Another aspect that is important when considering geothermal plants, is the impact on the environment, the surrounding society and how this topic could be included in education in the future.
Also, there will be a field trip to the Larderello geothermal power plant.
Feel free to apply and have a look at our detailed program!
The event is free (participants won’t be asked to pay for attending). Furthermore, partial funding is foreseen for Ph.D. students that submit their abstracts for oral presentation.
Webpage of the conference
Instagram: @geothermix
Linkedin: Geothermix Conference
Berufsforum Geothermie
Du hast Lust auf:
* Spannende Impulsvorträge zur geophysikalischen Exploration, Tiefbohrungen sowie der Planung und dem Bau von Geothermieanlagen und Fernwärmenetzen?
* Die Besichtigung der IEP-Geothermieanlage in Pullach?
* Das ungezwungene Kennenlernen von namhaften Arbeitgeber:innen wie der OMV, Turboden und Baker Hughes sowie zahlreiche Anlagenbetreiber:innen aus der Metropolregion München?
Dann meldet euch HIER kostenlos für das Berufsforum Geothermie am 10. Oktober von 13:00-17:00 Uhr im Bürgerhaus Pullach i. Isartal an. Egal ob du Geowissenschaften, Energie- und Prozesstechnik, Verfahrenstechnik, Maschinenbau, Elektro- und Informationstechnik oder ähnliche Fächer studierst, wir freuen uns auf DICH!
MasterClass for people interested in MSCA fellowships
This class, on 14-16 June 2023, will assist Postdocs to plan proposals for Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA PF). Registration is open until 26.05.23. Registration Link
ClimateCON at University Mainz
ClimateCON is a conference that addresses the options for action by colleges and universities in the climate crisis.
When? May 12. - 14. 2023
Where? Campus of Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz
What? Participants can discover new pathways to a more sustainable university across all university sectors, from teaching and research to operations and governance. Through a diverse range of workshops, lectures and other events, they can gain new knowledge and useful skills.
This conference is organized by the students and the presidium of JGU Mainz in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Foundation Innovation in Higher Education and many other partners.
For more information go to their website.
Forster Summer School - Urban Climate - application deadline 15 April 23
…let’s talk about global change!
This year, the Forster Summer School, hosted annually by the Faculty of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Geography and Geosciences at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz explores – Urban climate: Adaptation, development and sustainable transformation.
Global climate change and its associated impacts, such as weather extremes, represent one of the most urgent challenges of the 21st century. Due to the relatively high population density in urban areas, cities are the main cause and the main victims of climate change. Therefore, the Forster Summer School 2023 is dedicated to scientific findings and controversies on urban climate, the influence of vegetation, changing human-air relations as well as green and smart city designs.
When? July 21st – August 4th 2023
Where? Campus of JGU Mainz – Excursions to the surroundings
Arrangement included? Course fees, materials, lunch fees during the lecture program, accommodation with breakfast, excursions. Travel, insurance and visa must be organized and paid independently
Participation fees? 150 €
Who may apply? Students enrolled in a bachelor’s, master’s or PhD study program
Application Deadline: 15th April 2023, 00:00 CET
Please note:
- The whole program is held in English and places are limited. A maximum of 30 students can participate in the Forster Summer School. After the application deadline, a selection committee decides on the allocation of places.
- For application you will find a fillable PDF on our website. Please submit your complete application documents with a letter of motivation, CV, certificate of study and language certificates (if available) until 15th of April 2023
For more information, please have a look at the JGU_Forster Summer School_Program.
If you have any questions regarding the application, participation fee, the course schedule, or anything else, do not hesitate to contact us via email at
Kick-off meeting in the second FORTHEM funding period
The FORTHEM Climate & Resources Lab has been a little quite for the last few months, but we’d like to revitalise things by inviting all members, including those from our new partner institutions in Sibiu and Agder to a virtual meeting on Weds 19 April from 1300-1400.
Statement of the C&R Lab regarding the intervention of Russia in Ukraine
"The Climate & Resources Lab members are generally opposed to the actions of the Russian government in Ukraine. We want to express solidarity with our academic colleagues and other people in Ukraine. We also recognise that one key topic of our Lab activities, namely to find energy alternatives to fossil fuels, is also important to minimise the motivations for similar conflicts on Earth, and we will prioritise support of teaching and research into alternative energies in light of the current crisis."
Visions for Climate Lecture Series, JGU Winter Semester 2022.
JGU students interested in Climate Change topics can now enroll for a lecture course in WiSe
Online Lecture Series on "Climate Crisis & Climate Action" - 17:30-19:00 CEST 19.05, 23.05, 01.06, 03.06.
Students of the Climate & Resources Lab of the FORTHEM European University Alliance organised a successful international and interdisciplinary lecture series:
Further information, and a link to the lectures, can be found here.
How much do we waste?
This publication may be of interest to our lab members:
How to Reduce & Dispose of Our PPE Waste More Responsibly
This publication may interest our lab members:
World Conference on Climate Change & Sustainability
Frankfurt, 1-3 Sept 2022. Further information here.
Asian climate, tectonics and biodiversity hybrid conference
How do tectonics and climate force surface processes and the evolution of biodiversity in Asia?
This meeting will examine this long-standing question by unraveling coupled geodynamic and Earth surface processes that impact environmental conditions and the biosphere across different spatial and temporal scales.
With ongoing human alteration of the Earth’s ecosystems and rapid global warming, there is an urgent need to understand the response of biotic communities and environmental change. Examining how past climate change influenced biological diversity around topographically complex and tectonically active systems provides unique information about their ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions.
Specific insight on how rapid climate and landscape changes impacted ancient life will shed light on the origins and governing factors of biodiversity hotspots and thus inform conservation efforts. Eventually, this information can guide policy decisions under projections for a rapidly warming climate to ensure that we preserve biodiversity of our ecosystems into the future, which is essential to global economic, social and cultural prosperity.
We invite oral and poster abstract submissions for the meeting by Wednesday 8 June 2022.
Keynote speakers: Prof Oliver Jagoutz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Prof Carina Hoorn (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), Robert A Spicer (The Open University, UK), Dr Thomas von Rintelen (Natural History Museum, Leibniz-Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Research, Germany), Prof Robert Morley (Palynova)
FIT for Europe - The Podcast of FIT FORTHEM
FIT for Europe is the Podcast of FIT FORTHEM, a Horizon 2020 funded project of the European University Alliance FORTHEM.
Check it out here:
Sept-Oct 2022 Earth Futures Festival
"The Earth Futures Festival, an international film and video event showcasing the important role geoscience plays in tackling our most pressing global challenges: climate change, the management of our natural resources, transitions to cleaner energy, mitigation of risks from natural hazards and building sustainable cities.
The Festival is organised by the IGCP Project 685: Geology for Sustainable Development in collaboration with the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) 60th Anniversary celebrations and UNESCO Earth sciences and Geoparks section.
The event will take place in September and October 2022 with screenings and award events hosted at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (October 2022), and venues in Sydney and New York.
Professionals and students in the realms of Earth Science, the Arts and Science Communication along with community associations, school students and Indigenous peoples are encouraged to submit works in video format to the Festival. The work of short-listed finalists will be presented during the festival. Works can range from feature length documentaries, to short video pieces and spoken stories, through to visual and musical performances.
This year’s themes are:
- Dynamic Earth
- Future Earth
- Human Connections
If would like to learn more about the festival please watch our promotional video and submit your work here.
The team is looking for sponsors for several awards, please do contact myself and Dr Heather Handley ( if your organization would consider to support this initiative."
19.09.-21.09.2022 Geosciences for a sustainable future
"The Italian Geological Society (SGI) and the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology (SIMP) invite you to attend the Joint Congress entitled Geosciences for a sustainable future, which will be held in Turin from the 19th to 21th of September 2022. The Congress consists of three days, with Scientific sessions that focus on the main Geosciences themes and include plenary conferences of international scholars, round tables, forums, and workshops on topics of significant geological-social impact and major issues of public interest.
The Congress represents an exceptional place to meet different people working in Geosciences. For scholars, it represents a meaningful moment to confront the research strategies, discuss and disseminate the research outcomes. For professionals, it is a valuable occasion to update their expertise and to expand and deepen the skills in the field they work. For school teachers, it is an opportunity to get knowledge of new contents and teaching methods applied in the Geosciences and to establish collaborations with researches for lab activities. Finally, the Congress offers everyone the opportunity to build new networks, strengthen the old ones and expand collaborations with numerous public and private entities, where the geological “know-how” is pivotal. Moreover, it represents a unique chance to discuss new development and technology transfer strategies.
The Congress will also be the occasion to critically think on the role of the Geosciences in a More Sustainable Future for our Society and Planet, on the position they deserve and the role they must take on in the formation of citizens, protection from natural hazards, and preservation of cultural and natural heritage, that make Italy a unique place in the World. Particular attention will be given to young researchers, PhDs, and students through events and meetings specifically designed to expand their networks, facilitate intercultural discussion and information exchange that will aid to make progress in their research and future studies planning.
Please, for abstract submission visit:
Deadline for the abstract submission is 6 May 2022 19.00 (EU time)
30.05.-03.06.2022 GET fit FOR YOUR FUTURE - the FIT FORTHEM online boot camp for Early Career Researchers
"Five-day online workshop, hosted by
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and FIT FORTHEM partners
Target group
Early career researchers, researchers, research managers including administrative and technical support staff, students, and externals
Being an Early Career Researcher (ECR) means being in a crucial state of your professional career. You need to develop your academic independence, increase your visibility as a researcher, produce enough ‘output’, compete for grants, and gain international experiences. Many critical decisions need to be made in this phase. But have you ever taken a step back and thought about ‘What happens if my Plan A does not work?’ Do you have a Plan B or C? Being able to make conscious decisions is a great advantage and can lead to a more successful and satisfying career planning. The FORTHEM Alliance aims at supporting and empowering its ECRs with targeted activities when it comes to facing an increasingly complex landscape of possible work environments and conditions throughout Europe both in and outside academia. It is planned e.g. to set up tailored trainings to develop research-related and transversal skills as well as to implement possibilities to showcase your research projects to peers and public by organizing annual conferences, yearly open science contests or other formats. For these endeavors, we would like to enter into a close exchange with the ECRs but also with the research managers to discuss together during the boot camp how a practical implementation of these ideas could look like.
During the week, we would like to discuss what the needs of ECRs are, what requirements different labor market places on them, and what the FORTHEM Alliance can offer.
Deadline See Link 27.05.2022.
Details here.
Here you can find an english version of the announcement:
31.05. - 02.06.2022 International Symposium Climate change & Water 2022
"Save the date: the international symposium Climate change & Water 2022 under the theme of extremes will be held on May 31 and June 1 and 2, 2022, in Tours in the Centre-Val de Loire region of France.
This international conference is open to the academic world and to socio-economic partners concerned by the variability of the water cycle and adaptation to extreme events.
The purpose of this call for papers is to orient the reflection and exchanges not only on the observation of the acceleration of the physical, chemical, biological and ecological effects of climate change but also on the proposed adaptation strategies at the local level."
More infos here:
16.05. - 20.5.2022 Public Climate School 2022
"Bei der Public Climate School handelt es sich um ein digitales Bildungsprogramm, das von Studierenden der Fridays For Future Bewegung koordiniert und von vielen Wissenschaftler:innen, Expert:innen, Schüler:innen und Lehrer:innen mitgestaltet wird. Sie hat zum Ziel, Bewusstsein und Aufklärung für die herausragende Bedeutung der Klimakrise für eine lebenswerte Zukunft auf dieser Erde zu schaffen und Klimabildung für alle zu ermöglichen."
Weitere Infos und wie du mitmachen kannst, findest du hier.
18.05. - 22.05. 2022 UNESCO World Higher Education Conference 2022
"UNESCO World Higher Education Conference (WHEC2022) aims at reshaping ideas and practices in higher education to ensure sustainable development for the planet and humanity.
In the view of the global health crisis, UNESCO World Higher Education Conference, initially planned to be held in 2021, will take place from 18 to 20 May 2022. The goals and strategic scope of the conference remain, and the new time frame represents an opportunity to deepen and expand our common efforts of knowledge production, policy dialogue, exchange, and networking. UNESCO considers the process of collective construction as the greatest richness of this conference, which aims to become a global conversation nurtured by diverse narratives on higher education.
We encourage those who have not yet consider engagement to do so and coordinate via the WHEC Secretariat:
The WHEC will maintain a hybrid format to provide opportunities for broad participation.
The UNESCO World Higher Education Conference will take place from 18 to 20 May 2022 in Barcelona, Spain"
For additional information, visit:
Bock..? ClimateCON
Du möchtest deine Uni aktiv mitgestalten und hast Bock auf nachhaltige Veränderung? Du möchtest dich mit anderen vernetzen, die schon Erfahrungen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit haben und willst neue Projekte starten? Du interessierst dich für das Thema: Hochschule der Zukunft, weißt aber nicht so genau, wie du anfangen sollst?
Dann bist du bei der ClimateCON genau richtig!
Wann: Ab dem 03.05. wöchentlich von 18-20 Uhr
Wo: Philosophicum P12 Raum 00-465 – JGU Mainz
Mehr Infos gibt’s hier:
Meld dich an:
02.05.2022 German U15, die Heinrich Böll Stiftung und Wissenschaft im Dialog laden ein zur Podiumsdiskussion: Wissenschaft im Klimawandel
Am Montag, den 02. Mai 2022, von 17.30 – 19.00 Uhr im Konferenzzentrum der Heinrich-
Böll-Stiftung in Berlin
"Welchen Beitrag kann und soll die Wissenschaft leisten, um die Klimakrise zu bewältigen? Wie kann
sie die Transformation zu einer klimaneutralen Gesellschaft befördern und vorantreiben? Und wie
kann die Gesellschaft an diesem Prozess teilhaben? Der Forschung kommt bei der Bewältigung der
Klimakrise natürlich eine wichtige Funktion zu, aber die Erwartungen von Gesellschaft und Politik an
das Wissenschaftssystem gehen darüber hinaus.
Hochschulen und Forschungsinstitute sollen nicht nur das Klima erforschen, sondern auch zum
Nährboden für grüne Start-Ups werden, von denen Lösungen für eine nachhaltige
Energieversorgung, Mobilität und Landwirtschaft von morgen kommen. Nachhaltigkeit soll noch
stärker in Studiengänge und Lehrpläne der Universitäten eingehen. Wissenschaftlerinnen sollen die
Politik beraten und einen partizipativen Dialog mit der Gesellschaft führen. Und Hochschulen und
Forschungsinstitute müssen Vorreiter und Vorbilder in der Transformation sein und mit ihren
Gebäuden, Rechenzentren und Laboren selbst klimaneutral werden.
Sind die Institutionen des Wissenschaftssystems dafür gut aufgestellt? Welche Verantwortung hat
Wissenschaft in der großen Transformation zur klimaneutralen Gesellschaft, was tut sie bereits heute
und wo muss sie künftig mehr tun? Welche Anreize und Unterstützungen durch die Politik in Bund
und Ländern braucht es dafür? Was ist erforderlich, um die Gesellschaft auf diese Reise
mitzunehmen und Veränderungen anzunehmen?
Im Anschluss an das Podiumsgespräch laden German U15, Wissenschaft im Dialog und die Heinrich
Böll Stiftung zum Empfang ein."
Anmeldung erfolgt hier.
Eine Online Teilnahme ist auch möglich. Weitere Infos zu dem Event findet man hier: Einladung_Wissenschaft im Klimawandel_02-05-2022
27.04.2022 Large-Scale Thermal Energy Storage – The Mutual Benefits to Heat and Electricity
"SP Energy Networks and EGEC (The voice of Geothermal in Europe) are pleased to co-present this event which will cover findings from the discovery phase of the Heat Balance project and a presentation of European large-scale Thermal Energy Storage (TES) case studies.
SP Energy Networks’ Heat Balance is funded through the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) and is investigating the mutual benefits to heat and electricity of large-scale TES as part of the whole energy system. The project aims to develop a case study for a demonstration project of large-scale TES & smart controls within the beta phase of the SIF mechanism.
The purpose of this webinar is to discuss the learnings from the Heat Balance discovery phase alongside the European case studies presented by EGEC with a view to informing future project decisions.
The webinar will include a presentation of the findings from Heat Balance’s initial techno economic assessment and an outline of the policy and regulatory challenges the project will face in future phases. This will be accompanied by a presentation from EGEC on general lessons learned/status of large scale ATES based on the experience of EGEC and its members. Finally, we will hear example case studies from ATES projects across Europe.
The webinar will take place on 27 April at 10.00 UK time, 11.00 CET. (Duration 2 hours)."
Spring 2022 Planetary Wellbeing: Free online courses for everyone
"The Planetary Wellbeing online studies at the Open University of the University of Jyväskylä are available free of charge to everyone, starting from Spring 2022. These MOOC studies cover themes such as climate change, biodiversity loss and resource wisdom. Build your knowledge and learn from scientific research.
Planetary Wellbeing studies at the Open University
What does planetary wellbeing mean and what should we know about it? What kind of sustainability challenges are we facing when it comes to the wellbeing of our environment? How should we go about addressing these challenges? In the Open University's Planetary Wellbeing studies, you will explore these topics and more through latest scientific knowledge across various disciplines.
Planetary Wellbeing encompasses four courses that are open to everyone free of charge. Each of the 1-ECTS courses is available to study fully online, at your own pace. Start your studies and gain invaluable insight and know-how!
The first MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), Introduction to Planetary Wellbeing, is available for study.
These studies introduce you to themes of sustainability, responsibility and planetary wellbeing. The first course deals with global environmental crises and the challenges and promise of sustainable development.
Future Planetary Wellbeing courses will cover e.g. global economic, energy and food production systems in relation to environmental and societal sustainability. The studies also discuss the individual and cultural phenomena, concepts and values underlying ecological questions.
The studies can be completed fully online and at your own pace. The studies are suitable for anyone who is interested in topics of human and natural wellbeing, regardless of educational background
Get started, discover the latest scientific knowledge and put your new insights to use!
Sign up for the course here.
15.12.2021 The Green Screen: Building Green Futures Together
"Wednesday, 15 December, 2021 (All day) to Thursday, 16 December, 2021 (All day)
The COVID-19 and climate crises are deeply interlinked: both have been borne out of industrial practices that are encroaching on our planetary boundaries and the collective health and wellbeing of animals and humans.
The COVID-19 crisis has not only revealed the direct link between the human encroachment on wildlife habitats and the transmission of deadly viruses from animals to humans, but also that air pollution is enhancing the mortality rate of the virus. Moreover, we know that the consequences of climate change and the dramatic loss of biodiversity we are witnessing are responsible for other major crises which we are and will continue to face at the global level.
We need a recovery that boosts the transition towards a greener, fairer, and more resilient world for future generations. A recovery that seizes the opportunity of once-in-a-generation public investments for the green and energy transition. A recovery where Europe is a leader in the fight against climate change. Now that the EU has a Recovery Plan, how can we ensure that its funds are going where they are needed the most? And what kind of collective future(s) can we now envision, together?
As the Greens, we believe that we need a recovery through an ambitious Green Deal, quality green jobs, and investments with green conditionalities. We are working to ensure that the recovery package and its national plans will act as a driving force towards a real transition to a more resilient and sustainable economic model; ensuring that we transition to renewable energies, phase out of coal by 2030, and achieve climate-neutrality as early as 2040.
About the Green Screen
Through a series of online film screenings, the Green Screen project invites you to engage with contemporary debates on the future of Europe, post-COVID recovery and making our societies more resilient and sustainable. Created by the European Greens, it will explore topics such as the climate crisis, environmental and social justice, and democracy.
Each month, the Green Screen is dedicated to a key theme to build a better future for Europe. On the third week of each month, a film screening will be made available for free on our platform for 48 hours, on Wednesday and Thursday. Then, you can follow a live debate on an issue inspired by the film, which will take place on Thursdays at 19:00 CEST.
You find more information here.
Learn more and sign up for email updates on the website of the Green Screen."
Oct-Nov 2021 Outcomes of the Glasgow Climate Change Conference
Find here the decisions taken under COP 26, CMP 16 and CMA 3 at the Glasgow Climate Change Conference.
06.09. - 08.09.2021 First in-person meeting with FORTHEM partners
Luckily, the team of University Mainz now finally has the posibility to meet FORTHEM partners from Valencia and Palermo in Spain from 6-8 of September 2021. We are developing a joint field-course in August 2022 for students interested in climate records.
We are really happy to meet in person and be able to have a look on the stunning outcrops this region offers for understanding climate change.

Campus Europa - Der DAAD-Podcast zu den Europäischen Hochschulallianzen
"Campus Europa" ist der Interview-Podcast des DAAD zu Themen rund um die Europäischen Hochschulallianzen. Alle zwei Wochen spricht Gastgeberin Anke Stahl, Bereichsleiterin beim DAAD, mit einem Vertreter bzw. einer Vertreterin eines Netzwerks über den Beitrag der Allianzen zu globalen Herausforderungen und die konkreten Erfahrungen im Netzwerk."
Weitere Infos findet man hier.
15.12.2020 Good news from the German Research Foundation
Press release from 15.12.2020
"The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) is making a further contribution to greater sustainability within its research work and in the research projects it funds. In future it will be possible for compensation payments to be made in relation to all CO2 emissions arising from business trips undertaken within funding projects and by DFG staff, members of statutory bodies and reviewers."
View full article here.
04.12.2020 FORTHEM wins new Horizon 2020 grant
"On 4th December 2020, the European Commission and the FORTHEM Alliance signed another EU Grant Agreement – this time within the Horizon 2020 programme “Science with and for Society.” The grant will help to fund the next ambitious steps to integrating the Alliance partners into a genuinely European University. The FORTHEM Alliance successfully applied for an additional 2 million EUR for their project FIT FORTHEM – Fostering Institutional Transformation of R&I Policies in European Universities.
FIT FORTHEM is designed to map joint research and innovation policies – including open science and research agendas – in order to achieve several common and overarching goals of the Alliance. The grant will for instance help to sustain joint research activities in the FORTHEM labs with a view to nurturing long-term integration. In FIT FORTHEM, the Alliance will exchange best practices in the research and innovation sector and will work on common strategies for mutual access to partners’ research infrastructures, aiming to overcome local disadvantages and to open up new career paths for researchers and research managers.
The Alliance will also cooperate in a virtual support centre providing expert advice to researchers planning joint grant applications to suitable binational, multilateral and European programmes. The project also envisions strengthening the multinational and multisectoral co-creation of knowledge and innovations, and expand their outreach. In doing so, partners will be able to upscale their professional skills in research management, strategic planning and science communication.
Transformative processes at all universities will be preceded by an assessment of the partners’ joint potential, and an in-depth study of differences between academic and innovation systems of the participating countries. On this solid foundation, the Alliance can continue to develop joint activities that go far beyond the scope of the ERASMUS+ and Horizon 2020-funded projects and can serve as a model for other European Universities."
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